Aurora Chamber of Commerce is working to help local businesses grow and succeed. We offer many events and opportunities throughout the year to help market and promote member businesses. Frequent our website for updated information, sponsorship and participation forms or contact the Chamber for more information. We also invite members to become involved in one of our Chamber Committees. See the Chamber events calendar for all of our Chamber, Member Businesses and Community Events.
Chamber Sponsored Events
See our calendar to view all events and learn more about the following events…
Aurora Business & Community Golf Outing
A great networking event. Many sponsorships are available to help promote and advertise member businesses.
All About Aurora Drive-it-Yourself Tour
Tour Aurora area businesses and organizations for giveaways and special deals! Customers come right to your door.
****Held every other year***
Aurora's Fall Festival & Business Showcase
A great opportunity to make contacts with community members and businesses. Held at Aurora High School. Over 25 community businesses and organizations will be showcased.
Networking Luncheons
3Chamber Networking Luncheons
Each quarter the Aurora, Solon and Twinsburg Chambers come together to enjoy lunch, network and learn from a variety of educators and community speakers.
Luncheon Sponsorship Opportunities
Luncheon sponsorship opportunities are available throughout the year for Aurora Chamber Luncheons and also 3Chamber Luncheons. BENEFITS: Presentation: Three minute commercial at the luncheon and the opportunity to have advertising materials on each luncheon table.
Business After Hours “Party on the Patio”
Held Year Round!
Host a “Party on the Patio” at your location. It is recommended that the host provides complimentary appetizer, open or cash bar and a raffle prize ($25 minimum value). Call for further details.
Chamber Publications
All About Aurora Community & Events Guide
The Aurora Chamber of Commerce and Visitors Bureau produces our own Community and Events guide. Watch for information - a guide that residents and visitors will want to reference throughout the year.
- Full color
- Minimum of 32 pages
- 4x9 for ease of display and distribution
- Distributed not only in the City of Aurora but also to visitors centers and AAA offices throughout northeast Ohio.
- It will be sent to visitors who inquire about the Aurora area.
Chamber Scholarship Fund
A donation to the Chamber Scholarship Fund helps Aurora High School students pursuing a higher education. Chamber raffles, a portion of the Chamber Golf Outing proceeds and individual donations help support this fund. We welcome members to join the Chamber Awards Committee.